Welcome to Nyan Nyan Planet (Cats Planet)!! “ニャンニャン惑星”へようこそ!!Art by Yukari Syutou from Japan, These will be the part of "Gypsy Punk Opera ~Japan~ and the logo for "Kids Orchestra Japan project"! 日本在住、画家シュトウユカリによる”ジプシーパンクオペラ〜ジャパン〜”のための作品、“キッズオーケストラ ジャパンプロジェクト”のロゴになります。
Art by Yukari Syutou
Art by Yukari Syutou

Concept of "Nyan Nyan Planet" Nyan Nyan is meow meow in Japanese.
we all came from Cats planet but we forget it.There is a story that around
40years ago,in South of Japan Minamata city,industrial factory had thrown
mercury into the ocean. People who lived around the area saw a lot of cats
suddenly started to dance crazy, jumped into the ocean then died....Later
they found out that people who lived near that factory suddenly lost
balance,fell down and had been paralyzed for their whole lives. Cats are
messengers from Nyan Nyan planet.